A journal of our family

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Out of the mouths of babes

I know I am so behind in journaling and I promise to catch up when we get back from Idaho. I just had to post my "aha" moment from today. Now I've always known I'm an impatient driver. I HATE slow drivers and I abhor moron drivers. I know I get a little vocal when I'm stuck behind either but today it became clear to me that maybe I need to tone it down a little. We were running late to pick up Wyatt from basketball camp and I pulled up behind a slow driver at the light. When the light turned green and the man started to inch his way down the highway, I let out a sigh and then I heard it. "Move it grandpa," yelled Mariah quickly followed by McCoy's "My grandma drives faster than you." Yeah, need to tone it down.

Friday, June 3, 2011

So cute

My girls have some of those little signs that hang on their bedroom doorknob. One says "Do not enter", one says "please knock"... you get the idea. Yesterday McCoy brings me one of the signs and says, "Does this say have a good day?" "Yes," I replied. "No way,"he said. "It really does," I said. "It can't" he said getting frustrated. "Why can't it" I ask. "Because if they really wanted me to have a good day they'd let me in their room."